Youth line of biscuits #QuickMeal

31 March 2016

"Slodych" has released a new line of youth cookies "#QuickMeal". 
Cookies #QuickMeal created for those who want to challenge the boring snacking! 
Feeling hungry between classes at the university or there are some hours before lunch in the office? #QuickMeal is waiting for you at your local store. 
Biscuit assortment is presented by 4 flavors: strawberry and cream, chocolate, condensed milk, honey and cinnamon.

#QuickMeal клубника и сливки      #QuickMeal мед и корица     #QuickMeal со сгущенным молоком    #QuickMeal шоколадный    

In the production of cookies natural ingredients are used: frozen strawberry, cream, cocoa, sweetened condensed milk, honey, cinnamon. 
A bright taste of each species is created such way. 
Packaging weight is 185 g. It includes a tear tape, which let discover the taste of the new biscuits easily. 
Have a funny snack with biscuits #QuickMeal!